Farm-to-Table Breakfast


I have been wanting to try Rogowski Farm’s weekend breakfast in Pine Island for a long time now.  The farm-to-table concept really appeals to me, and what better place than Pine Island for a fresh country breakfast?  Rogowski’s breakfast menu changes weekly based on the local produce available.  It’s the ultimate farm-to-table experience as the “restaurant” is a barn situated in the middle of fields filled with produce, sunflowers, and chickens.


The atmosphere can best be described as family rustic.  The dining room is filled with mismatched second hand dining room tables and chairs; Sophie even sat in a hand-me-down highchair.  Blackboards serve as menus and the dishes are a random collection.  Overall, it was a very homey experience.


Rogowski’s features everything from farm fresh eggs to “dirt bombs.”  Dirt Bombs, as explained to me by the server, are various ingredients that change week to week, rolled into a doughnut hole shape and covered in cinnamon and sugar.  This week, the dirt bombs were made with zucchini and white chocolate.  It sounded like an odd assortment of ingredients, but I gave it a try.  One word: awesome.  I could have easily devoured ten more.  When our breakfast arrived, the portions were huge, and I was glad I ordered one meal for Sophie and Madison to share: oatmeal with apricots and blackberries in addition to my strawberry banana pancakes with bacon.  Our meal came to $30 including tip and a warm glazed doughnut to go.


We don’t often go out to eat with the kids because it is usually a rushed affair as Mike and I gobble down our food before one of the kids gets loud and/or restless.  However, Rogowski Farms is very family friendly.   The day we went was a rainy one, but there is a small deck where one could take their meal if the weather was agreeable.  Despite the weather, we were still able to check it out, and the kids could see the crops, and watch the chickens peck around.  The rain itself was entertainment as it was an unexpected downpour on a corrugated roof, so it looked and sounded quite impressive.  We also entertained ourselves by making some silly faces…


The dining room is open on weekends from 9-2 and is a pleasant and affordable way to spend a morning.  Oh, and give yourself a little extra time getting there; you might hit some unexpected traffic along the way…


3 thoughts on “Farm-to-Table Breakfast

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